Keep your protein levels high with this delicious vegan dinner.
INGREDIENTS ------------------
serves 2
4 large mushrooms, chopped
1 teaspoon fresh rosemary (alternatively use dry)
1 tablespoon cooking oil
100 g puy lentils, cooked
1 tbsp finely chopped fresh parsley
4 carrots, sliced parboiled
unrefined salt
freshly ground black pepper
200 g cannellini beans, soaked overnight and cooked until tender
2 large potatoes, cut in half & cooked
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp vegetable stock
1 garlic clove, crushed or 1 tsp aioli
1 tsp dry estragon
90 ml red wine 1 tbsp tomato puree 180 ml vegetable stock
1 tbsp maple syrup or choice of sweetener i.e. erythritol crystals
METHOD ---------------------
Heat the oil in a large saucepan and cook the mushrooms with rosemary over medium heat until soft [ca. 3 - 4 min]. Garnish with black pepper. Reduce the heat and keep warm.
To make the red wine sauce: in a small pan add wine, tomato puree, stock, choice of sweetener and bring to boil. Cook for another 10 minutes, or until reduced and thickened.
Meanwhile, combine the earlier cooked cannellini beans, potato, garlic, olive oil, estragon and stock and process until smooth. Salt to taste. Transfer to a medium pot, add stock and reheat if needed.
In a separate pan add 2 tablespoons of red wine sauce and simmer. Add parboiled carrots. Increase heat to medium and sauté for 3 minutes or until carrots have caramelised.
Assemble bean puree, mushroom, lentils and drizzle with red wine sauce. Season, garnish with parsley & serve with carrots on the side.